Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Nicotine Throat Cancer Smoking....interesting...?

Smoking....interesting...? - nicotine throat cancer

What happens to my body if I smoke?

If you smoke, you can become dependent, or can not function without nicotine. By definition, nicotine, a colorless, poisonous alkaloid obtained from the plant used as snuff, and insecticide. If the substance in tobacco and snuff, in which smokers can become addicted. Nicotine is a habit for drugs such as heroin and cocaine. Over time, you may have problems with their teeth and gums, stained teeth, fingers and fingernails, bad breath, skin and wrinkles. There are other serious health problems caused by smoking, causes such as by, for example:

· Lung cancer and other lung diseases such as chronic bronchitis and emphysema

Home More cancers, including cancer of the throat, mouth, esophagus (foodPipe), pancreas, kidneys, bladder and cervix (opening of the uterus)

· Atherosclerosis - clogged arteries and narrowing of the

· Heart disease

; Heart Attack

· Strokes

• Early menopause - the cessation of menstruation

· Osteoporosis - thinning and weakening of the bones

· Infertility - difficulty in becoming pregnant

• During pregnancy problems like miscarriage, premature birth or later a child is born with low weight at birth, fetal death, and the mortality

Smoking is a habit. Is it good or bad, allowed (halal) or prohibited (haram)? Examine the statement of Allah, the Almighty, and what the medicine, said about this weed, crab stick, Coffin Nails. "

"Spend your wealth for Allah loves you, and you do not throw destroy your own hands. And do good, Allah, the righteous Sura" 2 Verse No. 195


Hamadi Al-Aslani

THATS ISLAM .... perfect religion.


-------- said...

SIS Mashallah good advice! Smoking is harmful to the body, so it is good advice for people to stop smoking.

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