Monday, December 14, 2009

How To Win Mount Can Hillary Still Mount A Comeback And Win The Democratic Nomination?

Can Hillary still mount a comeback and win the Democratic Nomination? - how to win mount

Or is it too late? Is the next most important means something?



ConvexLe... said...

People who say that it is mathematically impossible that they do not read the DNC rules.

Clinton can get the nomination, but it is very unlikely at this time.

But the next races are always very important. (Although the Obama camp downplays)

WV and KY to have represent the majority of the Democratic nature of demographic Obama struggled with since the "bitter memory, and the Wright scandal (s). If you do not, that is the demographic group in the general election, Obama will lose to McCain . The fact that Clinton has the support of voters is very strong evidence for the appointment.

(Clinton leads in both WV and KY between 25-45 percentage points)

* The people above me who say that Clinton should consider "are Obama supporters who do not know that Clinton supporters are Democrats, some who say that Clinton remains (dah!)

** In addition, the DNC has decided they want to vote in all states, because they are hisddenly disenfranchisement extremely sensitive to the word ... a word that we are waiting to hear today, the States, still tolerant, their (own take primary. So Clinton needs to stay pretty, at least until June 3)

The race will officially close, without the superdelegates call ... for the two candidates. And they want to, depending on which candidate to go, is more considered. If you do this or not is another story.

(In fact, the Republicans throw at Hillary, if nominated at the last minute instead of Obama ... but his disciples probably freak out and riot. Supporters of both Clinton will riot, and vote for McCain.)

There is not any possibility of a joint ticket between the two candidates. First, Michelle Obama is prohibited. What Clinton supporters say they will support it.

While the Democratic Party ... Who knows how it will be .... is anybodies guess ...

tic tac tic tac tic tic ....

Laird C said...

That will not stop, but ... It will go on and on until the last mathematically impossible to win for them. It is not easy to recognize in a position that he has gone too far. And in fact, I'm happy. The damage he is doing now will ensure that we never again as a serious candidate. She lives in a fantasy world, and it is dangerous - this refusal, the reality is symptomatic goes for this question.

toetagme said...

If the MSM would stop bashing and start reporting the truth about Barack changing tides would. Many Clinton supporters are unable to vote for them because they think they can win. What has happened since Iowa, and the media is primarily responsible. He hides the truth about Bush and look what they've done it for us and our country. Barack could only lead to the destruction, the Bush administration has done for our country.

Just Plain American said...

You remember, last week, and sat down, the DNC superdelegates uncommitted and asked if he had no chance. He left the meeting and said it would continue. Then figure, as she heard something positive from this situation.

darcy m said...


I think if anything it will continue, and heard that Chelsea is on the way to Puerto Rico as the first one is not until June

We hear it all tomorrow ... How do I make it ... Class of the rural poor and uneducated voters and working conditions

Hey, I ... This spreads tired in the news and for what purpose ....( how voters are divided in groups)

It is no longer say, people who do not understand them free gas in West Virginia ....( still, why it seems like you have already voted) ... the election is in November .. How could the people of Indiana. North Carolina and the rest of their vacation this summer, gasoline

No. .. Obama said he did not want to help you this holiday .... Gas and that he loved her ... A journalist from the West Virginia this morning again from gasoline tired voters also vote for them. ... please

Now they get jobs and more jobs .... with the State of the 45th Notes for NO jobs / lower wages, etc.

She is dressed in white people from rural areas whererking voters as a claim can not be won .... It is therefore advisable for the Office

If they heard over the noise and do not help the Democrats and Republicans shows only one way to fight against Obama

Lance P said...

If the superdelegates decide, he can not win, then you should. She has already contributed to the Democrats in Florida and Michican and his supporters are not so varied stripes as they should be, to compete with McCain. More .... Wright, who has the problem.

_MamaJ said...

Frankly, if you think you could not win, would be even more? not "stupid", but only one million votes .. Separate one million ugly .. Sounds like the media, you might think it was 5 million and the last day ..

Hillary is great .. Give credit .. I have confidence ...

Pink Tresses said...

Never say never, is not yet complete, I think it will increase all the way to the Convention with a casting vote to leave.

Do you think that Barry has paid enough? The last time I checked you had paid more than $ 1 million to their hives.

Obambi.c... said...

This is the answer

Yes Yes Yes

If the Democrats want the White House, Hillary Clinton is the one who wins.

The only undamaged by Axelrod, Soros, and Rockefeller.

Obambi.c... said...

This is the answer

Yes Yes Yes

If the Democrats want the White House, Hillary Clinton is the one who wins.

The only undamaged by Axelrod, Soros, and Rockefeller.

John said...

Spastic individual case, is not known. Obama is the Democratic candidate, and delusional racists and feminists face.

98% Pure Chimp said...

It's over.
Get used to it.
It is also likely that Ron Paul gets the Republican nomination. It is not.

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